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Freed and Powered Up

Aug 14, 2024

How can one go from Lupus, Fibromyalgia, and Hashimoto's to being symptom free, feeling healthy and strong? Especially when the doctors are running out of options for you! 

Meet Corry Lang: Nutritional Therapy, Regenerative Detoxification, Iridology and Emotional Health. She healed herself from multiple debilitating chronic illness symptoms and is on a mission to teach other women with chronic health issues to take matters into their own hands, listen to their inner intuitive wisdom and heal themselves with biologically appropriate nutrition and powerful herbal remedies (versus relying on a patriarchal and outdated medical system and pharmaceuticals). 

You can find her at or send an email to

Listen in, subscribe, and share this goodness with someone you know!!! 


To find out more about the next cohort of the epic Goddess Collective click here.

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For more juiciness drop by my Website:

To get your copy of my explosive, raw, and down to your every day life play book on stopping the self-sabotage, get it here:
